ROPES, cable laid, have 9 strands, each containing an equal number of threads: they are divided in three, and made into three larger strands, which laid (or twisted) together make the rope. Example: a rope, cable laid, 8 inches in circumference, has 333 threads, equally divided, and laid into 9 strands; these 9 strands, being equally divided in 3, are laid into 3 larger strands, which, when laid together, make a rope 8 inches in circumference; and so in proportion for all fixes. 30 fathoms of yarn make 18 fathoms of rope cable laid, and so in proportion.

Ropes, hawser laid, have 3 strands, with an equal number of threads in each, as the size of the rope may require. Example: a rope, hawser laid, 8 inches in circumference, has 414 threads, equally divided in 3, and laid into 3 strands, which 3 strands, when laid together, make a rope of 8 inches in circumference; and so in proportion for all fixes. 30 fathoms of yarn make 20 fathoms of rope hawser laid, and so in proportion.

The number of yarns given, for ropes of any size, mini allow of 9 equal divisions if cable laid, and 3 equal divisions if hawser laid, that all the strands may be alike. Ropes of 1 inch to 2 inches in circumference are hawser laid; of 3 inches to r o inches, either hawser or cable laid; and from to inches to any greater dimension always cable laid. Ropes made on the wheel, and all shroud or hawser laid ropes, for the merchant service, should, when closed, stand full 130 fathoms long; it cable laid, 120 fathoms long. Ropes made in the King's yards, if cable laid, stand 102 fathoms; if hawser laid, 2 23 fathoms. Ropes made of fine spun yarn, laid smart, are esteemed the strongest, and wear best.

Taper-laid Tacks from 3 to 10 inches Circumference.

The Number of Cables, and their Sizes, allowed in the Navy, to ships of each rate.

RULE to calculate very nearly the Weight of any Size Rope from 3 to 24 Inches in Circumference, 120 Fathoms long, and lesser Lengths in Proportion; viz multiply the Size of the Rope by itself, and one fourth of that Product is the Weight in Hundreds of 112 Pounds. Example-Suppose the Rope 10 Inches in Circumference; 10 Times 10 is 100; the Quarter of which is 25 Hundred Weight, or 2800 Pounds, the Weight of 120 Fathoms of Rope 10 Inches in Circumference.

DUTY on CORDAGE, tarred or untarred, imported, 8s. 6d. per Cwt. and no Drawback.-Bounty on the Exportation of Cordage manufactured its Great Britain, not less than 3 Tons, 2s. 4d. 3/4 per Cwt. Old Ropes imported Duty free.

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