Absorption, 6,7
Acoustic mirror, 293
Acoustic synthesis, 319
Acoustics simulating in QFA-1 attack teacher, 311-314
  beam pattern, forming of, 311
  doppler effect, magnitude of, 312-313
  doppler nullifiers, 313
  echo frequency, 311-312
  no-doppler target, 314
  range attenuator, 312
  submarine listening equipment, 311
  submarine sonar attack, 313-314
Actuator motor, 215
Airborne noise, 59-60
Ambient noise:
  biological, 61-63
  sea, 60-61
  traffic, 61,63
Amplified noise, 59-60
  over-all levels of, 61
Amplifier circuits, JT listening equipment, 246-249
  driver, 259
  i-f, 163-165
  power, 259
  receiver, 256
  r-f, 162
  speech, 257
Analyzer, 264
  dead-reckoning (DRA`, 216-217
  mechanism, 234-235
Annual cycle, 36-37
  dependence on geographic location, 41-42
AN/UQC-1, sonar communication set, 255-259
  circuit, 256-259
    audio oscillator, 256
    carrier oscillator, 256
    driver amplifier, 259
    modulator, 257-258
    power amplifier, 259
    power supplies, 256
    receiver amplifier, 256
    speech amplifier, 257
  description of, 255-256
AN/UQN-1B sonar sounding set, 278-280
AN/UQS-T1 sonar training set, 315-322
  description of, 315-317
    optical projector, 317
    own ship simulator, 315
    sonar target simulator, 315-317
    transducer simulator, 317
  operation, principles of, 317-322
    acoustic synthesis, 319
    bearing determination, 318
  AN/UQS-T1 sonar training set-Continued
  operation, principles of-Continued
    dome baffle, 321
    echo timing, 320
    frequency-control system, 319
    horizontal-range determination, 318-319
    MCC operation, 321
    optical operation, 321-322
    propeller sounds, 320-321
    reverberation synthesis, 320
    searchlight sonar, adaptation to, 322
    ship motion, 317-318
    slant range determination, 319
    target depression-angle solution, 319
    target echo-frequency control, 319
    target motion, 318
    targets, additional, 322
    transducer signals, production of, 320
    water noise, 321
Attack plotter, 213,217-226
  operation of, 218-226
    blanking and brightening, 223
    echo channel, 223
    own ship's spot, 220-221
    predictor, 222-223
    relays A and B, 223-226
    sound sweep, 221-222
  principles of, 217-218
Attenuation, 6
Attenuation coefficient, 7
Audio amplifier and limiter, 154-155
Audio channel, 152
Audio gain control, 134
Audio oscillator, 256
Automatic volume controls (AVC), 120
Axial source level, 5
Azimuth control unit, 254

Background noise, 59-61
  sources of:
    airborne noise, 59-60
    ambient noise, 60
    amplified noise, 59-60
    circuit noise, 60
Barrage timing, 236-237
Bathythermograms, 10
Bathythermograph, 10
Beam pattern, 5
  forming of, 311
Bearing determination, 318
Bearing deviation, 107
Bearing-deviation indication, 110-111
Bearing deviation indicator, (BDI), 56,159
  standard, 111

Bearing indicator, 78
Bendix log, 214-216
Binaural effect, 56
Biological noise:
  croaker, 61,62
  miscellaneous, 61
  shrimp, 61,62
Blanking and brightening, 223
Bombs, sofar, 284
  requirements of, 284
Bottom reverberation, 28-31
British Asdic, 82

Cable-connected hydrophones, 290-291
Cavitation, 254-255
Chart drive, 228
Circuit noise, sources of:
  hum, 60
  thermal agitation of electrons, 60
  tube noise, 60
  vibration of tube elements, 60
  audio, 172
  BDI, 310
  DDI threshold, 169-170
  doppler-nullifier, 154-157
    audio amplifier and limiter, 154-155
    discriminator, 155-156
    own-doppler-nullifier, 156-157
    target-doppler-nullifier, 157
  filter, 289
  keying control, 177-178
  limiter, 289
  modulator and phase shift, 162-163
  phase-shifter and buffer, 165
  RCG, 171-172
  RCG and TVG, 152-153
  RLI, 310
Comparison servo system, 200-201
Computer Mk 59,192
Computer, stabilization:
  functions of, 193
Computer system, roll and pitch, 190
Computer units, 192
Conjugate detector, 167-169
Convective overturn, 35
Converter gain control, 134
Coordinate motors, 306
Critical bands, 71
Crossing the target, 107
  drift, 41
  internal waves, 41
  permanent, 41
  surface, divergence and convergence of, 41
  tidal, 41

DDI threshold circuit, 169-170
Dead-reckoning analyzer (DRA), 213
  Dead-reckoning systems, 216-217
  components of:
    analyzer (DRA), 213,216-217
    tracer (DRT), 213,216,217
  functions of, 216
Dead-reckoning tracer (DRT), 213
  definition of, 3
  system, 3
Deep scale, 271
Density of sea water, 33
Depth determination, 121
  refraction error, 121
Depth-determining equipment, 141-148
  model QDA, 141-148
    computed target depression, 142-143
    horizontal range, 142-143
    keying and controlling records, 141-142
    sound beam, correction for bending, 143
    tilt-order synchro circuit, 143-144
    transceiving system, 145-146
    transducer, 146-147
    transmitter, 147
  sonar installations, 148
Depth-determining recorder, 238-239
Depth deviation indicator (DDI), 158
Depth finder:
  components of, 269-270
  requirements, 269
  units of, 269
Detection probability, 103
Diffraction, 15
Diffused reflection, 7
Directional-sensitivity circuits, 131,136-141,149
  beam pattern formation and rotation, 163
  lag-line phasing and shading, 136-139
  scanning switches, 140-141
Directional transmission, 5
Directivity, 5-6,86-90
  function, 5
  index, 91-92
  influence, 5-6
  patterns, 6, 86-90
Discriminator circuits, 155-156,289-290
  filter, 289
  limiter, 289
Diurnal cycle, 37-38
  dependence on geographical location, 42
Dome baffle, 321
Doppler effect, 99-100, 268
  application to echo ranging, 57-58
  definition of, 56-57
  magnitude of, 312-313
Doppler-nullifier circuits, 154-157
  audio amplifier limiter, 154-155
  discriminator, 155-156
  own-doppler-nullifier, 156-157
  target-doppler-nullifier, 157
Doppler-nullifier gain control, 134
Doppler nullifiers, 313
Doppler range error, 118-119

Dual single-axis stabilization system, 190-191
Dual speed positioning servo system, 202-205

Echo channel, 223
Echo, definition of, 17
Echo duration, 117-118
Echo formation, 17
Echo frequency, 311-312
Echo ranging, 57-58
  signals used in, 76-77
Echo-ranging equipment, essentials of, 76-101
  basic components, 76-77
  range indicator, 78-79
  receiver-amplifier, 77-78
  receiver sensitivity and background noise, 95-100
  sonar location, 100-101
  training device and bearing indicator, 78
  transducers, 79-95
Echo-ranging equipment, surface-ships, 123-148
  depth-determining equipment, 141-148
    model QDA, 141-148
      computed target depression, 142-143
      horizontal range, 142-143
      keying and controlling recorders, 141-142
      sound beam, correction for bending, 143
      tilt-order synchro circuit, 143-144
      transceiving system, 145-146
      transducer, 146-147
      transmitter, 147
    sonar installations, 148
  model QCB, 123-127
  model QGA, 128
  model QJB, 127-128
  scanning sonar equipment, 128-141
    model QHB-a, 128-141
      components, description of:
        receiver-transmitter unit, 134-135
        remote indicator, 135
        scanning switch assembly, 132-134
        sonar indicator control, 135
        transducer, 131-132
      directional sensitivity circuits, 136-141
        beam-pattern formation and rotation, 137
        lag-line phasing and shading, 137-139
        scanning switches, 140
      system line-up, 128-131
      transmit-receive switching, 135-136
Echo-ranging systems basic components, 76-77
  signal used in, 76-77
    signal frequency, 76-77
  transmitter, 76
Echo-reverberation ratio, 119-120
Echo-sounding equipment, 269-280
  AN/INN-1B sonar sounding set, 278-280
  echo-sounding problem, 269-270
    depth-finder components, 269-270
    depth-finder requirements, 269
      units of, 269
  NJ-9 sonar sounding equipment, 274-275
  projector and hydrophone, 275
  Echo-sounding equipment-Continued
  NJ-9 sonar sounding equipment-Continued
    receiver-amplifier, 275
    transmitter-rectifier unit, 274-275
  NK-7 sonar sounding equipment, 275-278
    recorder, 275-277
      reception of signal, 277
      transmission of signal, 277
    vibrapacks, 277-278
  NMC-2 sonar sounding equipment, 271-274
    indicator-recorder-amplifier unit, 271-274
      indicator, 271-273
      receiver-amplifier, 273
      recorder, 273
      rectifier power unit, 274
    transducer, 271
    transducer junction box, 274
    transmitter and rectifier, 271
  Echo-sounding problem, 269-270
    depth finder:
      components of, 269-270
      requirements, 269
      units of, 269
Echo-sounding recorder, 240
  ranges of:
    deep, 240
    shoal, 240
Echo timing, 320
Effective back radiation 39
Energy density, 2
Energy spectrum, 97
Envelope filter, 170-171
Evaporation, 39

Fading, 70
Fairing, use on hull to reduce self-noise, 101
Fly-back contacts, 230-231
F-m sonar, parameters of, 116-119
Forward scattering, 31
Free gyro, properties of, 186-187
Frequency consideration in listening, 71-75
  sonic listening, 71-72
  ultrasonic listening, 72-73
Frequency, definition of, 2

Geographical variations, 41-42
  annual cycle effect on, 41-42
  diurnal cycle effect, 42
Gyros, 186-188

Harbor defense, 288-293
  cable-connected hydrophone system, 290-291
    heralds, 293
      QBH, 293
    hydrophone assemblies 290-291
    radio sonobuoys 291-293
        description of, 291-292
        function of, 291-292
  magnetic loop stations 289-290

Harbor defense-Continued
  magnetic loop stations-Continued
    discriminator, 289-290
      filter circuit, 289
      limiter, circuit, 289
    multiturn loops, 290
  QAA demolition-team sonar, 295-298
    circuits, 295-298
    description of, 295
  submarine cables, 293-294
    types of: herald, 294
      hydrophone, 294
      magnetic loop, 204
  submarine detection by aircraft, 299-302
    AN/CRT-1A radio sonobuoy, 299-302
    magnetic airborne detector, 302
  underwater detection, 288-289
    system: heralds, 289
      magnetic loops 288-289
      radio sonobuoys, 289
      tactics of, 289
  theory of, 52-53
  threshold of, 54
Heralds, 293
  QBH, 293
Hoist-train mechanism, 264
Horizontal range, 309
  determination, 318-319
Human ear, 52-56
  numerical data concerning, 53-54
  theory of hearing, 52-53
Hydrophone, 73, 242, 243, 253-254
  assemblies, 290-291
  cable-connected, 290-291
  definition of, 79
I-f band width-doppler, 164-165
Images and their motion, 304-308
  mirror-drive motor, 306-307
  optical system, 305
  tactical considerations, 307
  the "ocean," 304-305
  watt-hour meter motor, 305-306
Indicator-recorder-amplifier unit, 271-274
Indicator sweep, bearing of, 266
Integrated sonar system, 122, 192-193
Integrator (or rate servo system), 205-207
Intensity of scattered sound, 17-19
Intensity of sound waves, 2-3
  decibel system, 3
Interference effects, 5
Inverse square law, 3-5
Isothermal layer, 10, 13

JM-4 radio sonobuoy, 291-293
description of, 292-293
function of, 291-292
  JP listening equipment, 241-243
  description of, 241-243
    hydrophone, 242
    receiver, 242-243
JT listening equipment, 243-249
  components, 243-245
    block diagram, 243-245
    hydrophone, 245
    training of, 245
  RLI operation, 245-249
    amplifier circuit, 246-249
    sum and difference inputs, 245-246
    ultrasonic listening, 249

Keying methods, QHB, 177-183
  cathode-ray tube blanking pulses, 181-182
  deflection-transfer keying of cathode-ray tube, 181
  external keying, 182-183
  keying control circuits, 177-178
    functions of, 177
  primary keying pulse, 178-181

Layer effect, 15
Level and cross-level receiver system, 189-190
  roll and pitch computer system, 190
Limiting ray, refraction, 12
Listening, 58-59
  frequency considerations in, 71-73
  sonic, 71-72
  ultrasonic, 72-73
Listening system:
  components of:
    bearing indicator, 58
    electronic receiver, 58
    hydrophone, 58
    speaker or headphones, 58
Lobes, 6

Magnetic airborne detector, 302
Magnetic clutch control, 228-229
Magnetic-loop stations, 289-290
Magnetostriction effect,79-SO
Magnetostriction sound sources, 80-81
Maintenance of close contact (MCC), 121, 132
Maintenance-of-true-hearing (MTB), 123
Masking, 54-55
Master speed indicator, 214
MCC operation, 321
Mirror-drive motors, 306-307
Mixing processes:
  convective overturn, 40
  effect of rotation of earth, 40-41
  mechanical mixing, 40
Mk 5 plotting system, 226-227
  parts of: Mk 5 plotter, 226
  Mk 63 control panel, 226
  Mks 55 or 75 computer, 226
Negative gradient, 10
Network, sofar, 286-287

NJ-9 sonar sounding equipment, 274-275
  projector and hydrophone, 275
  receiver-amplifier, 275
  transmitter-rectifier unit, 274-275
NK-7 sonar sounding equipment, 275-278
  recorder, 275-277
    reception of signal, 277
    transmission of signal, 277
    vibrapacks, 277-278
NMC-2 sonar sounding equipment, 271-274
  indicator-recorder-amplifier unit, 271-274
    indicator, 271-273
    receiver-amplifier, 273
    recorder, 273
    rectifier power unit, 274
  transducer, 271
  transducer junction box, 274
  transmitter and rectifier, 271
Noise: airborne, 59-60
  ambient, 60-63
  amplified, 59-60
  background, 59-61
  biological, 61-63
  sea, 60-61
  traffic, 61, 63

Ocean temperature gradients, annual cycle of, 34
OKA-1 relation to sonar systems, 207-212
OMA-1 sonar resolving equipment, 196-207
OMA cavitation indicator (CI), 254-255
OMA noise-level monitor (NLM), 254-255
Oscillators: audio, 256
  beat-frequency, 153-154
  carrier, 256
  frequency-modulated, 263
  omnicontrol, 152
Own doppler nullifier (ODY), 99, 100
  circuit, 156-157
Own ship simulator, 315

Parameters of f-in sonar, 116-119
Period, definition of, 2
Phase opposition, 2
Phase relations, 2
Piezoelectric effect, 81-83
Ping, definition of, 19
Ping length, 19
Pitometer log, 213-214
  control unit, 214
  rotary distance transmitter, 214
  sea valve and rodmeter, 214
  types of:
    mercury magnometer log, 213
    rotary balance log, 213-214
Plan-position indicators, 113-114
Plotting equipment, 213-227
  attack plotter, 217-226
    operation of, 218-226
    principles of, 217-218
  Plotting equipment-Continued
  Bendix log, 214-216
    dead-reckoning systems, 216-217
    components of:
      analyzer (DRA), 216-217
      tracer (DRT), 216, 217
    functions of, 216
  Mk 5 plotting system, 226-227
  pitometer log, 213-214
Plotting System Mk 5, 226-227
  parts of:
    Mk 5 plotter, 226
    Mk 63 control panel, 226
    Mks 55 or 75 computer, 226
Positive gradient, 10
Power spectrum, 97
Precession, 187
Predictor, 222-223
Predictor-bearing dial, 218
Primary keying pulse, 178-181
Propeller sounds, 320-321
  cavitation, 64
  singing, 64
Psychological characteristics of sound, 55-56

QAA demolition-team sonar, 295-298
  circuit, 295-298
  description of, 295
QBH herald, 293
  block diagram of, 295
QDA depth-determining equipment, 141-148
  description, general, 141
  parts of, 141-148
QFA-6 attack teacher, 303-314
  acoustics, simulating, 311-314
    beam pattern, forming the, 311
    doppler effect, magnitude of, 312-313
    doppler nullifier, 313
    echo frequency, 311-312
    no-doppler target, 314
    range attenuator, 312
    reverberation, 312
    submarine listening equipment, 311
    submarine sonar stack, 313-314
  components of, 303, 304
  description of, 303-304
  images and their motion, 304-308
    mirror-drive motors, 306-307
    optical system, 305
    tactical considerations, 307-308
    the "ocean", 304-305
    watt-hour meter motor, 305-306
  RLI and BDI, simulating, 310-311
  sonar sound beam, simulating the, 308-310
    active area, 308-309
    slant range, 309
    sound-beam training control, 309-310
QGA searchlight sonar system, 128
  block diagram of, 128
QOB sonar equipment, 123-127
  components of, 123

QGB sonar equipment-Continued
  cycle of operation, 125
  transmitter power amplifier, 173-175
QHB transmitter, 175-176
QHB-a scanning sonar equipment, 128-141
  components, description of:
    receiver-transmitter unit, 134-135
    remote indicator, 135
    scanning-switch assembly, 132-134
    sonar indicator control, 135
  directional sensitivity circuits, 136-141
  operational controls:
    audio gain control, 134
    converter gain control, 134
    doppler-nullifier gain control, 134
    target-doppler nullification on-off switch, 134
  system line-up, 128-131
  transmit-receive switching, 135-136
QHB-1 capacitive-scanning sonar equipment, 263
QHB-1 receiving system, 149-151
QJB searchlight sonar equipment, 127-128
QLA f-m scanning sonar equipment, 263-268
  description of, 263-264
  doppler effect, 268
  major units:
    analyzer, 264
    driver, 263-264
    frequency-modulated oscillator, 263
    hoist-train mechanism, 264
    indicator, 264
    receiver, 264
    sound head, 264
  principles of operation, 264-268
    bearing of indicator sweep, 266
    maximum scanning rate, 266-268
    range measurement, 266
    range scale, 266

  effective back, 39
  function, facts about, 86
  incoming, 38-39
Radio sonobuoys:
  AN/CRT-1A, 299-302
    description of, 292-293
    function of, 291-292
Range and bearing indication, 117
Range indicator, 78-79
Range-rate plot, 235
Rate servo system (or integrator), 205-207
Rayleigh's law of scattering, 16
Ray diagrams, typical, 11-15
  isothermal layer and thermocline, 13
  marked downward refraction, 11-12
Ray divergence, 14-15
Ray theory, inadequacy of, 15-16
RCG circuit, 171-172
  and TVG circuit, 152,153
Receiver-amplifier, 74,77-78,256
  Receiver sensitivity and background noise, 95-100
  reception, 95-96
    curves, 96-97
    of amplifiers, 97
    of band filters to short pings, 98-99
    of transducers, 96
  sharply tuned receivers, limitations on use, 99-100
    doppler effect, 99-100
    own doppler nullifier, 100
    reverberation, 100
  spectrum level, 97-98
    energy, of a pulse, 97
    power, of noise, 97-98
  depth-determining, 238-239
  echo-sounding, 240
  sound range, 237-238
  tactical range, 228-237
  definition of, 8
  downward, 11-12
  error, 121
  of sound, 8-16
  Snell's law of, 11
Resonant receiver, 52
Reverberation, 16,100,312
  bottom, 28-31
  indices, 22
  in nonideal conditions, 22-23
  level, 22
  oscillator, 314
  surface, 25-26
  synthesis, 320
  theory of, 19-22
  volume, 26-28
  with horizontally directed beam, 24-25
Reverberation-control of gain (RCG), 120
Rigidity of plane, 187
RLI and BDI, simulating, 310-311
RLI operation, 245-249
  amplifier circuits, 246-249
  sum and difference inputs, 245-246
Rochelle salt and ADP transducers, 83
Rodmeter, 214
Roll and pitch computer system, 190
Rotary-balance log:
  parts of:
    control unit, 213,214
    indicators, 213,214
    rotary distance transmitter, 213,214
    sea valve and rodmeter, 213,214
Rotary distance transmitter:
  parts of:
    distance-transmitting unit, 214
    follow-up motor, 214
    motor-driven transtat (variac), 214
    pump, 214
    pump-drive motor, 214

Scanning sonar:
  f-m, 115-119
  pulse-type, 112-113
  rotating-type, 114-115
Scanning sonar equipment, 128-141
  model QHB-a, 128-141
    components, description of:
      receiver-transmitter unit, 134-135
      remote indicator, 135
      scanning-switch assembly, 132-134
      sonar indicator control, 135
      transducers, 131-132
    directional sensitivity circuits, 136-141
      beam-pattern formation and rotation, 137
      lag-line phasing and shading, 137-139
      scanning switches, 140-141
      system line-up, 128-131
      transmit-receive switching, 135-136
Scanning-switch assembly, 132-134
Scattered sound, intensity of, 17-19
Scattering, 6,7
  forward, 31
  Rayleigh's law of, 16
  reflection and, 16-31
Searchlight sonar, adaptation to, 322
Search operations, 102-103
  detection, probability of, 103-106
    effects of motion, 104-106
    single ping, 103
    successive pings, 104
  missions of:
    hunt, 102
    location, 102
    screen, 102
Sea valve, 214
Sea water:
  density of, 33
  stratification of ocean, 33
  thermal structure and stability, 33
  transmission of sound in, 32-51
Sector-scan indicators, 114-115
Self noises:
  Circuit, 60
  hydrophone motion, 60
  own ship, 60
Separator, 219-220
Servo electronic control amplifier, 254
Servo mechanism, 74
Servo systems, 199-207
  classes of:
    comparison, 199,200-201
    dual-speed positioning, 199,202-205
    rate or integrator, 199,205-207
    single-speed positioning, 199,201-202
  servomotors, 199-200
Sharply tuned receivers, limitations on use, 99-100
Ship motion, 317-318
Shoal-deep switch, 271
Shoal scale, 271
Signal amplifier circuit, 232-233
  Signal splitter, 310
Signals, Sofar, Mk 22 Mods 0 and 1,284-286
  description of, 285-286
Signature, definition of, 290
Single-speed positioning servo system, 201-202
Slant range, 309
Slant-range determination, 319
Snell's law of refraction, 11
  applications of, 287
  bombs, 284
  factors affecting use of, 281-282
  network, 286-287
  position determination, 282-284
  principles of, 281-284
  Signals Mk 22 Mods 0 and 1,284-286
Sonar communication set AN/UQC-1, 255-259
  circuit, 256-259
    audio oscillator, 256
    carrier oscillator, 256
    driver amplifier, 259
    modulator, 257-258
    power amplifier, 259
    power supplies, 256
    receiver amplifier, 256
    speech amplifier, 257
  description, 255-256
Sonar indicator control, 135
Sonar installations, 148
Sonar listening systems, 73-75
  sonic, 73-74
    headphones and speaker, 74
    hydrophone, 73
    receiver-amplifier, 74
    training unit, 74
    ultrasonic, 75
Sonar location, 100-101
Sonar receivers, 149-172
  conventional superheterodyne, 149-157
      audio channel, 152
      beat-frequency oscillator, 153-154
      doppler-nullifier circuits, 154-157
        audio amplifier and limiter, 154-155
        discriminator, 155-156
        own-doppler-nullifier, 156-157
        target-doppler-nullifier, 157
      RCG and TVG circuits, 152-153
      unicontrol oscillator, 153
      video channel, 151-152
  sum-and-difference, 157-172
    audio circuit, 172
    conjugate detector, 165-169
    DDI threshold circuit, 169
    envelope filter, 170-171
    i-f amplifiers, 163-165
    modulator and phase-shift circuit, 162-163
    phase-shifter and buffer circuits, 165
    RCG circuits, 171-172
    r-f amplifiers, 162
    up-down deflection, 157-162

Sonar resolving equipment, 196-212
  model OKA-1, 196-207
    servo systems, 199-207
    theory of sound, as applied to, 196-199
  OKA-1 relation to sonar systems, 207-212
Sonar scanning:
  f-m, 115-119
  pulse-type, 112-113
  rotating-type, 114-115
Sonar sound beam, 308-310
  active area, 308-309
  slant range, 309
  sound-beam training control, 309-310
Sonar sounding equipment:
  AN/UQN-1B, 278-280
  NJ-9, 274-275
  NK-7, 275-278
  NMC-2, 271-274
Sonar systems:
  harbor defense, 288-293
  QAA demolition-team, 295-298
  sofar, 281-287
  submarine cables, 293-294
  submarine detection by aircraft, 299-302
Sonar systems, general requirements of, 100-122
  close contacts, maintenance of, 121
  depth determination, 121
    refraction error, 121
  gain, variation of, 120
  integrated sonar system, 122
  operational planning, 102-106
    search operations, 102-106
  scanning sonar, 112-119
    f-m, 115-119
      parameters of, 116-119
    plan-position indicators, 113-114
    pulse-type, 112-113
    rotating-type, 114-115
      sector-scan indicators, 114-115
  small objects, location of, 119-120
    echo-reverberation ratio, 119-120
  target bearing, 106-111
    bearing deviation, 107
    crossing the target, 107
    maintaining contact, 106-107
    split transducers, 107-111
      bearing-deviation indication, 110-111
      standard bearing-deviation indicator, 111
Sonar system, integrated, 122,192-193
Sonar target simulator, 315-317
Sonar training equipment, 303-322
AN/UQS-T1 sonar training set, 315-322
  description of, 315-317
    optical projector, 317
    own ship simulator, 315
    sonar target simulator, 315-317
    transducer simulator, 317
  operation, principles of, 317-322
    acoustic synthesis, 319
  Sonar training equipment-Continued
  AN/UQS-T1 sonar training set-Continued
      bearing determination, 318
      dome baffle, 321
      echo timing, 320
      frequency-control system, 319
      horizontal-range determination, 318-319
      MCC operation, 321
      optical projector, 321-322
      propeller sounds, 320-321
      reverberation synthesis, 320
      searchlight sonar, adaptation to, 322
      ship motion, 317-318
      slant range determination, 319
      target depression-angle solution, 319
      target echo-frequency control, 319
      target motion, 318
      targets, additional, 322
      transducer signals, production of, 320
      water noise, 321
  QFA-6 attack teacher, 303-314
    acoustics, simulating, 311-314
      beam pattern, forming the, 311
      doppler effects, magnitude of, 312-313
      doppler nullifiers, 313
      echo frequency, 311-312
      no-doppler target, 314
      range attenuator, 312
      reverberation, 312
      submarine listening equipment, 311
      submarine sonar stack, 313-314
    components of, 303,304
    description of, 303-304
    images and their motion, 304-308
      mirror-drive motors, 306-307
      optical system, 305
      tactical considerations, 307-308
      the "ocean", 304-305
      watt-hour meter motor, 305-306
    RLI and BDI, simulating, 310-311
    sonar sound beam, simulating the, 308-310
      active area, 308-309
      slant range, 309
      sound-beam training control, 309-310
Sonar transmitters, 173-184
  keying methods, 177-183
    cathode-ray tube blanking pulses, 181-182
    deflection-transfer keying of cathode-ray tube, 181
    external keying, 182-183
    keying control circuits, 177-178
    primary keying pulses, 181
    transmitter keying pulse, 181
  QGB power amplifier, 173-175
  QHB, 175-176
  transmission circuits, 183
  unicontrol oscillator system, 183-184
Sonic listening, 71-72

Sonic listening system, 73-74
  headphones and speaker, 74
  hydrophone, 73
  receiver-amplifier, 74
  training unit, 74
  and pressure waves, 1-2
    in an ideal medium, 1-3
    psychological, 55-56
  produced by objects in sea, 61-70
  propagation of:
    in an ideal medium, 3-7
    in water containing bubbles, 47
  reception and detection by listening, 52-75
  reflection and scattering of, 16-31
  refraction of, 8-16
  scattering and absorption in wakes, 47
  scattering by reflection, 7
  theory of, as applied to OKA-1, 196-199
  transmission of in sea water, 32-51
  transmission of through wakes of surface vessels, 48
  velocity of in sea water, 8-11
  waves, intensity of, 2-3
Sound and pressure waves, 1-2
Sound-beam training control, 309-310
Sound channel, 13,281
Sound head, 264
Sound range and depth recorders, 228-240
  depth-determining recorder, 238-239
  echo-sounding recorder, 240
  sound-range recorder, 237-238
  tactical range recorder, 228-237
    analyzer mechanism, 234-235
    barrage timing, 236-237
    basic features, 228
    chart drive, 228
    fly-back contact, 230-231
    magnetic clutch control, 228-229
    purpose of, 228
    range-rate plot, 235
    signal amplifier circuit, 232-233
    speed-changing mechanism, 233
    stylus action, 231-232
Sound-range recorder, 237-238
Sound reception and detection by listening:
  doppler effect:
    application to echo ranging, 57-58
      definition of, 56-57
  ear in underwater detection:
    background noise, 59-61
    listening, 58-59
    sounds produced by objects in sea:
      biological noise, 61-63
      submarines, 63-67
      surface ships, 67-70
  frequency considerations in listening, 71-73
    sonic listening, 71-72
    ultrasonic listening, 72-73
  Sound reception and detection by listening-Continued
  human ear:
    masking, 54-55
    numerical data concerning, 53-54
    psychological characteristics of sound, 55-56
    theory of hearing, 52-53
    threshold of hearing, 54
  sonar listening systems, 73-75
      headphones and speaker, 74
      hydrophone, 73
      receiver-amplifier, 74
      training unit, 74
    ultrasonic, 75
  time patterns and propeller heats, 70-71
Sound sweep, 221-222
Sound waves, intensity of, 2-3
Spectrum level:
  energy, of a pulse, 97-98
  power, of noise, 97
Specular reflection 7
Speed-changing mechanism, 233
Stability, 33
Stabilization, 185-195
  computer units, 192
  dual single-axis system, 190-191
  integrated sonar system, 192-193
  level and cross-level receiver system, 189-190
    roll and pitch computer system, 190
  problem, 185-186
  stable element:
    construction, 189
    fundamentals of, 186-188
      apparent rotation, 187
      compensation, 188
      effect of friction, 187-188
      effect of latitude, 188
      free gyro, properties of, 186-187
      precession, 187
      rigidity of plane, 187
    uses of, 189
  tangent solver, 193-195
  three-axis system, 191-192
Stable element:
  construction, 189
  fundamentals of:
    apparent rotation, 187
    compensation, 188
    effect of friction, 187-188
    effect of latitude, 188
    free gyro, properties of, 186-187
    precession, 187
    rigidity of plane, 187
  systems, follow-up:
    cross-level, 189-190
    level, 189-190
    train, 189
  uses of, 189
Stimulus, 1,52

  laboratory experiments on, 33-35
  of ocean, 33
Stylus action, 231-232
Submarine cables, 293-294
Submarine detection by aircraft, 299-302
  AN/CRT-1A radio sonobuoy, 299-302
  magnetic airborne detector, 302
Submarine listening equipment, 241-259,311
  model JP, 241-243
    hydrophone, 242
    receiver, 242-243
  model JT, 243-249
    block diagram, 243-245
    hydrophone, 245
    OMA noise-level monitor and cavitation indicator, 254-255
    RLI operation, 245-249
      amplifier circuit, 246-249
      sum and difference inputs, 245-246
    ultrasonic listening, 249
    training of, 245
  sonar communication set AN/UQC-1, 255-259
    circuit, 256-259
      audio oscillator, 256
      carrier oscillator, 256
      driver amplifier, 259
      modulator, 257-259
      power amplifier, 259
      power supplies, 256
      receiver amplifier, 256
      speech amplifier, 257
  triangulation-listening-ranging, 250-254
    description of, 253-254
      control stack, 254
      hydrophones, 253-254
Submarine sonar equipment, 260-268
  QHB-1 capacitive scanning, 263
  QLA f-m scanning, 263-268
    description of, 263-264
    doppler effect, 268
    major units:
      analyzer, 264
      driver, 263-264
      frequency-modulated oscillator, 263
      hoist-train mechanism, 264
      indicator, 264
      receiver, 264
      sound head, 264
    principles of operation, 264-268
      bearing of indicator sweep, 266
      maximum scanning rate, 266-268
      range measurement, 266
      range scale, 266
  WCA, 260-262
  WFA-1, 262-263
Submarine sonar stack, 313-314
Submarines, sound output of, 63-67
  over-all source level, 65
  propeller sounds, 64-65
  sources of, 64-65
Sum and difference inputs, 245-246
Sum-and-difference receiving system, 157-172
  audio circuit, 172
  conjugate detector, 167-169
  DDI threshold circuit, 169-170
  envelope filter, 170-171
  i-f amplifiers, 163-165
    i-f bandwidth-doppler, 164-165
  modulator and phase-shift circuit, 162
  phase-shifter and buffer circuits, 165
  RCG circuit, 171-172
  r-f amplifier, 162
  up-down deflection, 157-162
Supersonic converter, 243
Surface reverberation. 25-26
Surface-ship echo-ranging equipment, 123-148
  depth-determining, 141-148
    model QDA, 141-148
      computed target depression, 142-143
      horizontal range, 142-143
      keying and controlling recorders, 141-142
      sound beam, correction for bending, 143
      tilt-order synchro circuit, 143-144
      transceiving system, 145-146
      transducer, 146-147
      transmitter, 147
    sonar installations, 148
  model QCB, 123-127
  model QGA, 128
  model QJB, 127-128
  scanning sonar. 128-141
    model QHB-a, 128-141
      components, description of:
        receiver-transmitter unit, 134-135
        remote indicator, 135
        scanning switch assembly, 132-134
        sonar indicator control, 135
        transducer, 131-132
      directional sensitivity circuits, 136-141
        beam-pattern formation and rotation, 137
        lag-line phasing and shading, 137-139
        scanning switches, 140
      system line-up, 128-131
      transmit-receive switching, 135-136
Surface ships:
  sound output of, 67-70
  spectra of, 68-69

Tactical range recorder, 228-237
  analyzer mechanism, 234-235
  barrage timing, 236-237
  basic features, 228
  chart drive, 228
  fly-back contacts, 230-231
  magnetic clutch control, 228-229
  purpose of, 228
  range-rate plot, 235
  signal amplifier circuit, 232-233

Tactical range recorder-Continued
  speed-changing mechanism, 233
  stylus action, 231
Tangent solver, 193-194
Target area, 17
Target bearing, 106-111
  bearing deviation, 107
  crossing the target, 107
  maintaining contact, 106-107
  split transducers, 107-111
Target depression angle solution, 319
Target doppler:
  nullification gain control 134
  nullifier (TDN), 99
  nullifier circuit, 157
Target echo-frequency control, 319
Target motion, 318
Temperature distribution in sea:
  analysis of processes, 38-41
    currents, 41
    heating and cooling, 35,38-39
    mixing processes, 35-36,40-41
  annual cycle, 36-37
  diurnal cycle, 37-38
  thermal structure at great depths, 36
Temperature gradients:
  changes in, 32
  conditions for, 42
    cooling, 35
    flowing, 36
    heating, 35
    mixing, 35-36
Thermal structure and stability, 33
Thermal structure at great depths, 36
Thermocline, 11,13,196
Three-axis stabilization system, 191-192
Threshold control, 159
Threshold of hearing, 54
Tilt-order synchro circuit, 143-144
Time-base selector, 226
Time patterns and propeller beats, 70-71
  perception of, 70
  single-frequency components, 70-71
    audibility, 70-71
    time patterns, 71
Time variation of gain (TVG), 120
Tracer, dead-reckoning, (DRT), 216,217
Train length, 19
Training device methods of operation:
  amplidyne system, 78
  thyratron system, 78
Training unit, 74
Transducers, 131-132,146-147,271
  definition of, 79
  directivity, 83-92
  effect of domes, 95
  efficiency and response of, 93
  heading, 107
  junction box, 274
  location, selection of, 101
  mechanical impedance of, 92
  response of, 96
  signals, production of, 320
  simulator, 317
  sound output, 93-94
  split, 107-111
  standard, characteristics of, 93
  ultrasonic sound sources, 79-83
Transmission anomaly, 6-7
Transmission circuits, 183
Transmission loss, 6
Transmission of sound in sea water, 38-51
Transmitter, 76
Triangulation-listening-ranging equipment, 253-254

Ultrasonic frequencies, 2
Ultrasonic listening, 72-73,75,249
Ultrasonic sound sources, 79-83
    effect, 79-SO
    sound sources, 80-81
  piezoelectric effect, 81-83
  Rochelle salt and ADP transducers, 83
Underwater detection of sound, 58-70
  background noise, 59-61
  listening, 58-59
  sounds produced by objects in sea:
    biological noise, 61-63
    submarines, 63-67
    surface ships, 67-70
Underwater log, 213-216
  Bendix, 214-216
  pitometer, 213-214
Underwater sound:
  characteristics of in ideal medium, 1-3
  principles of, 1-31
  propagation in an ideal medium, 3-7
  reflection and scattering, 16-31
  refraction of, 8-16
Unicontrol oscillator, 153
  system of, 183-184
Unicontrol system, 149-151
Up-down deflection, 157-162

Velocity of sound in sea water, 8-11
  horizontal and vertical changes, 9-11
Vibrapacks, 277-278
Video channel, 151-152
Volume reverberation, 26-28
Volume-scattering coefficient, 22

Wakes, 42-51
Water noise, 321
Wavelength, 2
Wave motion, equation of, 2
Waves, internal, 41
Waves, sound, intensity of, 2-3
WCA sonar equipment, 260-262
WFA-1 sonar equipment, 262-263

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